Installation with RPMs

To install Storware Backup and Recovery components, you can use RPM packages.


Create a repository file for Storware Backup and Recovery

The repository file must be created on each host where the product components will be deployed.

  1. Create a repository file/etc/yum.repos.d/vProtect.repo with the following content:

For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and compatible

# Storware Backup & Recovery - Enterprise backup solution for virtual environments repository
name = vProtect
baseurl =
gpgcheck = 0

For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 and compatible

# Storware Backup & Recovery - Enterprise backup solution for virtual environments repository
name = vProtect
baseurl =
gpgcheck = 0

For SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 14 and compatible

# Storware Backup & Recovery - Enterprise backup solution for virtual environments repository
name = vProtect
baseurl =
gpgcheck = 0

Create a repository file for MariaDB

Before installing MariaDB please read about supported MariaDB versions here.

Installing MariaDB is required only on the host where the Storware Backup and Recovery server is deployed.

  1. Generate repository file at MariaDB download site

  2. Copy and paste the generated repo file into /etc/yum.repos.d/MariaDB.repo

Red Hat Enterprise Linux or and compatible

Server installation

  1. Install package "sudo":

    dnf install sudo
  2. Install the Storware Backup and Recovery server using the following command:

    dnf install vprotect-server

Node installation

  1. Install the Storware Backup and Recovery node using the following command

    dnf install vprotect-node

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server and compatible

Server installation

  1. Add Desktop Application Tools module:

    SUSEConnect -p sle-module-desktop-applications/15.4/x86_64
  2. Add Development tools module:

    SUSEConnect -p sle-module-development-tools/15.4/x86_64
  3. Install package "sudo":

    zypper install sudo
  4. Install the Storware Backup and Recovery server using the following command:

    zypper install vprotect-server

Node installation

  1. Install the Storware Backup and Recovery node using the following command

    zypper install vprotect-node

Server configuration

  1. Configure access to the database. Run the following command:

  2. Start the Storware Backup and Recovery server service:

    systemctl start vprotect-server

Open a firewall port

By default, the server service listens on port 8181. Open the port using the following commands:

firewall-cmd --add-port=8181/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --complete-reload

(optional) Forward the default HTTPS port 443 to port 8181:


Node registration

  1. Each installed node needs to be registered in the server:

    vc node inst register --name=<node name> --login=<admin user> --password=<user password> --apiurl='http://<server address>:<port>/api'


    • <node name> - the name under which the node will appear in the system

    • <admin user> - the login of the administrative user

    • <server address>:<port> - address and port of the installed server


    vc node inst register --name=node1 --login=admin --password=vPr0tect --apiurl='http://localhost:8080/api'
  2. Start the Storware Backup & Recovery node service:

    systemctl start vprotect-node
  3. Run the script to configure the operating system. Script changes the QEMU user/group to vprotect, disables SELinux, adds Storware Backup and Recovery to the disk group and sudoers policy to allows run privileged commands:

  4. Reboot the Storware Backup and Recovery host to apply the operating system changes:



Now you should be able to log in to the Storware Backup & Recovery server using https://IP_OF_YOUR_MACHINE. By default, Storware Backup & Recovery has one admin account - admin with the password vPr0tect (with a zero).

Verify in the node section that the node that you installed is connected to the server.

After the initial log in you can configure single sign-on using LDAP or Keycloak.

Remember to prepare your staging space as described in the Staging space configuration.

Now proceed with the Initial configuration instructions, to configure access to the hypervisors and backup destinations.

Last updated